
Young brass musicians considering joining the National Youth Brass Band of Scotland will be given an opportunity to get an insight into the annual residential summer course this year.

An open day will be held on Thursday 4 August at the Strathallan School at Forgandenny, Perthshire PH2 9EG, to enable the young players spend time with other like-minded musicians, as well as being guided by first class musical directors and tutors.

“Due to the high number of enquiries we have received about NYBBS, we’re opening the doors to our summer residential course at Strathallan School,” explained John Boax, education officer of the Scottish Brass Band Association.

“The day will be particularly beneficial to any young person who is considering joining the NYBBS Children’s, Reserve or Senior bands. The open day is completely free of charge and we encourage people to share this with anyone they think would enjoy this opportunity.”

To register an interest in attending the open day, there is a link via Eventbrite at


Almost 150 brass students have signed up for the NYBBS summer course which will take place at Strathallan School from Sunday 31 July to Saturday 6 August.

In addition to full and sectional rehearsals, all players will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of workshops which are being organised for additional musical development and enjoyment.

The musical directors of the three NYBBS bands – Alan Fernie (Children’s), John Boax (Reserve) and Ian Porthouse (Senior) – have put a great deal of thought into the musical programme for the week and the fruits of the players’ hard work will be evident at two end-of-course concerts at the Albert Halls, Dumbarton Road, Stirling FK8 2QL.

The Children’s band concert will be at 3pm on Saturday 6 August and attendance can be reserved via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nybbs-childrens-band-summer-concert-tickets-378362040047?aff=odcleoeventsincollection&keep_tld=1

Later that day, at 6pm, the Reserve and Senior bands will be taking to the stage. Those wishing to attend this concert can book via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nybbs-reserve-and-senior-bands-summer-concert-tickets-378394426917?aff=odcleoeventsincollection&keep_tld=1

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