BBE -Conf2022

EARLY BIRD TICKETS - The Brass Band Conference 2022

Starts: Saturday, 22 October, 2022 - 10:30
Ends: Saturday, 22 October, 2022 - 16:30

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The Brass Band Conference is back! This year Brass Bands England is delighted to present a hybrid conference packed with exciting workshops, talks and presentations. 

Early-bird booking is available ONLY for Brass Bands England Members. Not member yet? Why not join from just £25.

For a limited time only, tickets are available for anyone in your band at a discounted price of £5, with the option to add on hotel rooms at a package price. If you're an individual member, you can access the early-bird member price for yourself and up to one friend or colleague. The early-bird rate expires on 12 August. 

Head to for more information and booking details.

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